Recommended Tattoo Aftercare Instructions
Keep 2nd Skin bandage on for three days.
If you have hard labor/grimy job you may come in for a follow up bandage to protect tattoo, this one you will keep on for 5 days (it's free, my treat)
When removing, do so in the shower. Lift edge to allow hot water to loosen medical adhesive, then peel bandage along the skin using a downward motion (just rip that sucker off, no need to go slow, tattoo isn't going anywhere. Don't torture yourself)
Wash your tattoo with a good hand-pump soap (e.g. SoftSoap Foam) do not use bar soaps or body washes
Pat dry with clean paper towels
Once the tattoo is fully dry, apply a pea/dime size amount of a light lotion to start with:
We recommend: Palmers cocoa butter, Cetaphil, or Aveeno for use as your lotion throughout the healing process​. they are light and easily manageable. If you feel you have overused it, can wait 10 minutes and pat off any excess with clean papertowel
Do not use any ointments or heavy creams/oils ( so no aquaphor, A&d, lubriderm, Eucerin, or emu/coconut oil)
Applying the lotion is not about keeping it super moisturized! you are just preventing it from drying out
Repeat above process 2-3 times as needed per day until fully healed|just pay attention to your body. don't overdo the easy part
Do Not's:
Do not go into any pools, lakes/oceans, hot tubs, hiking, barter faires, festivals, camping, or baths (please shower though. Please.) for 2 Weeks
Do not pick/itch at the tattoo during the scabbing/flaking portion of the healing process (cold wet papertowel or slapping it works great)
Do not go tanning/sun bathing until fully healed (it will hurt without those top layers of skin buffering the heat/sun)
Do not partake in activities that may cause damage to your healing skin (e.g. hiking, rock climbing, etc.)
Do not use any ointments or heavy creams/oils ( so no aquaphor, A&d, lubriderm, Eucerin, or emu/coconut/whatever oil)
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your artist